Sucre à la Crème

My Nanny often made her version of fudge when I was a child - as an adult my taste memories of her version are more closely related to what I know recognize as Scottish Tablets. Sucre à la crème is the French Canadian equivalent and something I only make and enjoy during the winter holidays. It is easy to make - even more so if you have a candy thermometer.

Makes 32-36 Little Squares

200 Grams White Sugar

400 Grams Brown Sugar

250ml Heavy Cream

2 Tbsp Unsalted Soft Butter

In a medium saucepan combine the sugars and heavy cream. Stir over low heat until the sugar dissolves. Bring the heat up to medium and allow to come to a gentle boil. Continue to cook until you reach 240F on a candy thermometer.

Remove from the heat and cool to 110F. This will take a bit of time so plan accordingly. While you wait for the sugar to cool, prepare an 8-9 inch square tin. Line with parchment and butter the parchment.

When the sugar has cooled, add the butter and use an electric mixture or hand whisk to beat the mixture until opaque and no longer shiny, about 3-4 minutes.

Quickly pour the mixture into the pan and smooth out the top. Chill in the fridge for at least 2 hours or overnight.

Turn out of the pan and cut into small squares. *I find it easiest to start by using a sharp knife to mark your cut lines. Then, drag your knife halfway down each cut. Finally cut each line fully through.

Serve with candied nuts.