
Makes 15 - 18

I suppose I most consider these when thinking of Italian Christmas biscotti. They are so tender and delicious but be warned… not the easiest to make. The dough is temperamental and it’s best to get some friends around the table to help in the shaping - or ensure you have some quiet time to yourself to shape/meditate! You can simply sprinkle these with powdered sugar or dip the ends in dark chocolate.

100 Grams Almond Flour

65 Grams White Sugar

175 Grams Soft Flour or “00” Four

1/4 tsp Salt

1/2 lb Cold Unsalted Butter, Cut into Small Cubes

1 tsp Almond Extract

1 Egg Yolk

In a food processor pulse all of the ingredients together until a soft dough forms. Tip out onto a work surface. Take a small amount of dough, about 35-40 grams, squeeze it in your hands to compress then roll into a short log. Gently curve the dough into a half-moon/horseshoe shape and place on a baking tray. Continue with the remaining dough.

Bake in a preheated 325 oven for 7 minutes to start. Rotate the pan and bake for a further 5 minutes until just lightly golden and set.

Allow to cool before dusting in powdered sugar.