Hogmanay shortbread

There are many iterations of “shortbread” but this is the one I learned as a child. A “true” Scottish shortbread. Slightly sweet, buttery and crumbly with just a light crispiness on the outside. I prefer to not compress my dough too much as I like the more rustic look and texture. These are the best accompaniment to a cup of milky tea or a whisky.

350 Grams All Purpose Flour, Sifted

110 Grams White Sugar

225 Grams Unsalted Butter at Room Temperature

A Good Pinch of Salt

Preheat oven to 375

In a bowl of an electric mixture fitted with the paddle attachment, combine all of the ingredients until a soft dough just comes together - it should be a little crumbly.

Butter and line a round 8-9 inch baking tin. Press the dough mixture into the pan as evenly as possible - if you want a smoother less crumbly end product you can roll out the dough with a pin and place it into the tin.

Use the back of a large dry measure cup to smooth out the top. Score the top of the dough with a knife - marking 12 triangles. Prick each triangle with the tines of fork a few times to make little holes on top.

Bake for 20-25 until just lightly golden. Remove from oven and allow to cool for 5 minutes. Use a knife to rescore your cut lines then allow to cool for 30 minutes before fully cutting.